The obligation of travel agency to provide to the tourist information on a tourist product
( Pp. 62-66)

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Kuzakhmetova Svetlana Evgenyevna kand. yurid. nauk. Dolzhnost: docent. Mesto raboty: Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyy socialnyy universitet. Podrazdelenie: kafedra grazhdanskogo prava i processa
Russian state social university Tepanova Natalya A. starshiy prepodavatel kafedry grazhdanskogo prava i processa
Russian state social University
Main objective of scientific research is the analysis of legal regulation and a problem of law-enforcement practice on performance of obligations of travel agencies on providing information on a tourist product. A subject of scientific research is the rules of law regulating an obligation of travel agency to provide to the tourist information on a tourist product. Relevance of a subject of research is caused by a number of factors of a social and economic, law-enforcement, standard and legal and doctrinal order now. In spite of the fact that the legislation contains norms on need of providing information, the problem of informing tourists takes place. The tourist product is formed by tour operator data about which have to be properly brought to the tourist not only at a stage of the conclusion of the contract, but also in an imperative order to be specified in the contract on realization of a tourist product. The methodological basis of research was made by general scientific and chastnonauchny methods of knowledge. General scientific dialectic methods of knowledge included the principles of objectivity, systemacity, historicism, induction, deduction, etc. Treated chastnonauchny methods of knowledge: legallistic, descriptive, linguistic, formal and logical, system and legal, comparative and legal and others. Conclusions: Authors come to a conclusion that the legislation in detail defines the list of information which without fail has to be provided to tourists both to, and at the time of the conclusion of the contract. The analysis of jurisprudence allows to note that courts meet requirements of tourists for the disputes connected with non-presentation of information or idea of unreliable information of a tourist product by indemnification, reduction of cost of a tourist's product and collecting an overall cost of a tourist product. Results of research can be used further as a basis for further development of a perspective of this institute of the right, and also "Civil law" and "The Russian enterprise law" can be applied in educational process on disciplines, by preparation of textbooks and manuals on civil law and the enterprise right. Besides, the result of research can be used as a grant for citizens and the practicing lawyer.
How to Cite:
Kuzakhmetova S.E., Tepanova N.A., (2015), THE OBLIGATION OF TRAVEL AGENCY TO PROVIDE TO THE TOURIST INFORMATION ON A TOURIST PRODUCT. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 3 => 62-66.
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tourist, travel agent, the agreement on sale of tourist product, false information about the tourist product.

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