Ratio of public actions that offend religious feelings of believers, with crimes of extremist orientation
( Pp. 198-202)

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Ivanova Tatiana Evgenievna adyunkt. Mesto ucheby: Moskovskiy universitet MVD Rossii imeni V.Ya. Kikotya. Podrazdelenie: kafedra ugolovnogo prava
Moscow University of MIA Russia named after V. Ya. Kikot
A task. The article considers one of the key problems in the application of Article 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation related to the determination of the ratio of the acts prohibited by it with crimes of an extremist nature. The author focuses on the delimitation of public actions expressing obvious disrespect to the society, committed to insult religious feelings of believers, from vandalism, hooliganism and inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity. The author takes into account the emerging jurisprudence and available theoretical developments on this issue, formulates and justifies proposals for improving this criminal law norm and the practice of its application. Model. The article consistently compares and delimits criminal legal concepts, taking into account the current legislation, modern judicial practice and relevant scientific research in this field. Conclusions. The author considers it necessary to conduct a comprehensive scientific criminological study of the reasonableness of establishing criminal responsibility, which should result in a change in criminal and other norms, as well as in the current explanations of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Possibility of the subsequent use of the results of scientific work. Conclusions and other provisions of the article can be used in educational activities as part of the training of law students and the upgrading of qualifications of judges and law enforcement officials. Practical significance consists in the possibility of using the author's recommendations in the qualification of crimes that infringe freedom of conscience and religion, as well as their delimitation from related crimes during the investigation and consideration of the relevant criminal cases. Originality / value. The author considered the problem of distinguishing the analyzed composition of a crime from related crimes. The work is intended for judges, lawyers, law enforcement officers, students and post-graduate students studying criminal law, as well as scientific and educational workers of a legal profile.
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