Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Theoretical and Legal Aspects)
( Pp. 313-318)
The article examines and analyzes the theoretical and legal aspects of diplomаtic immunities and privileges in International Law. The international legal norms and legal practices that enshrine diplomatic immunities and privileges are not just a tradition, but the common property of all civilized mankind. These norms were formed in the period of the Ancient World. No state can refuse to respect diplomatic immunity, because diplomatic immunity is a universally bin-ding institution of modern international law and cannot be canceled by the will of one state or even the will of several states. Despite this, there are certain gaps in diplomatic practice, directly related to diplomatic immunities and privileges (for example, there is still no clear definition in international law as to who is responsible for the deliberate destruction of diplomatic premises or for the death of a diplomatic agent of a third state located on the territory of one of the two countries that are at war between them).
How to Cite:
Aliyev E.A., (2022), DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITIES AND PRIVILEGES (THEORETICAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS). Gaps in Russian Legislation, 3 => 313-318.
Reference list:
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Mamedov R.K. International criminal law and criminal legislation of the Azerbaijan Re-public. Baku. NATCO MMC. 2012
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Nagieva A.A. Russia and the USA: Legal analysis of violations of diplomatic immunities and privileges: https://russiancouncil.ru/blogs/riacexperts/rf-i-ssha-pravovoy-analiz - narusheniy-diplomaticheskikhimmunitetov-i-p/
Sandrovsky K.K. The right of external relations. Kyiv, Vishcha sckool. 1986
Customs Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 24, 2011 (as amended and supplemented as of December 03, 2021) http://continent-online .com /Document/? DocID =31145374
Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic. Baku. Publishing house Juridical Literature. 2020 Ф
Barker J. C. The Abuse of Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities: A Necessary Evil Dartmouth Pub Co, 1996
Jackson G. Concorde Diplomacy. The Ambassador s Role in the World Today. L., 1981
Lepard B. Customary International Law: A New Theory with Practical Application. Cambridge, 2010
Ross M. S. Rethinking Diplomatic Immunity: A Review of Remedial Approaches to Address the Abuses of Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities //American University International Law Review, Volume 4, Issue 1, 1989
Tams C. Enforcing Obligations Erga Omnes in International Law. Cambridge, 2005
persona non grata, diplomatic immunity, diplomatic privileges, Vienne Convention on Diplomatic Relations, Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, criminal legal immunity, international armed conflict, law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the diplomatic service of 2001, persona non grata, diplomatic personal, diplomatic representation.
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