( Pp. 303-309)

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Grigorieva Olga G. kand. yurid. nauk, docent kafedry pravovyh osnov upravleniya
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
The article discusses the process of developing powers of Soviet organs of external relations in the field of cooperation with foreign States in civil cases. The author analyzes normative acts of Soviet Russia, Soviet law, international agreements of the USSR, which allow to reconstruct the historical picture of the formation and development of the powers of the Soviet foreign Ministry in this sphere. Close attention is paid to the content of documents such as: Decree of may 26, 1921, approved the «Common position of the Soviet authorities abroad»; the first Soviet Consular Charter approved by the resolution of the USSR Central Executive Committee and SNK of the USSR on 8 January 1926 and operated for over 50 years; bilateral agreements of the Soviet Union of the mid-1930s concerning the implementation of certain forms of international legal assistance in civil cases and establishes diplomatic manner of communication on these issues; the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 16 December 1947 «On the order relations of the state institutions of the USSR and their officials with the institutions and officials of foreign States»; that the Consular Charter of the USSR 1976 It is noted that of particular importance in the formation of authorities of external relations in the field of international cooperation in civil cases had the provisions of the Hague Convention on civil procedure of 1954, which the Soviet Union ratified in 1966, and the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations 1961 and the Vienna Convention on consular relations of 1963.
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Reference list:
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international legal cooperation on civil matters, Consulate, diplomatic representation, service of documents, The Soviet Union.

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