( Pp. 66-70)
More about authors
Bogdan Varvara V.
doktor yuridicheskih nauk, professor kafedry grazhdanskogo prava
the South-West state University, Kursk Todrik Vladimir Vladimirovich aspirant. Mesto ucheby: Yugo-zapadnyy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Podrazdelenie: kafedra grazhdanskogo prava
South-West state University Zherelina Olga Nikolaevna Dolzhnost: prepodavatel. Podrazdelenie: kafedra pravovyh osnov upravleniya.
the South-West state University, Kursk Todrik Vladimir Vladimirovich aspirant. Mesto ucheby: Yugo-zapadnyy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Podrazdelenie: kafedra grazhdanskogo prava
South-West state University Zherelina Olga Nikolaevna Dolzhnost: prepodavatel. Podrazdelenie: kafedra pravovyh osnov upravleniya.
The article deals with the issues related to the unification of the legislation on insurance of civil servants. The article considers the law of public interest as a new approach to the systematization of law, since the current legislation on compulsory state insurance is characterized by the absence of a single legal regulation of the relevant group of public relations, which is manifested in the multiplicity and inconsistency of normative legal acts providing for different conditions and procedure of insurance, different degrees of insurance protection, as well as a different range of interests subject to insurance. The dialectical method of scientific knowledge of objective reality was used in the research. General scientific and private scientific methods based on it were also applied, first of all, system, statistical, comparative legal, structural and functional, basic General logical methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction). Theoretical basis the study is based on the conclusions drawn by jurists, developing the topic, in particular: Y. A. Bondarev, E. A. Kirillova, A. V. Pavlyuk, E. G., Lutsenko, N.A. Sokolova and others. The article is devoted to the development of representatives of the legal doctrine of new approaches to the issue related to the unification of legislation on insurance of civil servants. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that the unification of compulsory state insurance will not only eliminate the identified gaps in the legislation and improve it, but also properly regulate the insurance of civil servants, create an effective mechanism for this type of insurance, create equal conditions for the insurance protection of social interests of civil servants on compulsory state insurance; optimize the flow of budget funds; reduce the number of regulatory legal acts. The analysis showed that for the unification of compulsory state insurance it is necessary to determine the unified subjects and objects of compulsory state insurance; the fixed amount of insurance amounts; criteria for determining the damage caused to life and health; a single standard contract of compulsory state insurance; the budget of this type of insurance; a single procedure and conditions of compulsory state insurance. The results of scientific research have shown that the unification of compulsory state insurance as a new approach to the systematization of law require the development, improvement and further research.
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Reference list:
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Modern public administration challenges: Russia, EU, USA / Executive editor Pavlyuk A.V. - M.: Foundation for support of international programmes, 2017, - 1180 p.