Loss of professional ability to work an athlete as a result of an accident at work: gaps of legal regulation
( Pp. 124-127)

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Russkikh Tatyana Vladimirovna kand. yurid. nauk. Dolzhnost: docent. Mesto raboty: Udmurtskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Podrazdelenie: kafedra trudovogo prava i osnov pravovedeniya.
Udmurt state University
Goals and objectives: the Main purpose of the study is to consider the actual problem - gaps in the legal regulation the loss of professional ability to work an athlete as a result of an accident at work. To this end, the author solves such problems as: the analysis of legal norms governing the rules and criteria for determining the degree loss of professional capacity as a result of accidents at work, the establishment of the specifics professional activity of athletes, identifying gaps in the legal regulation of determining the degree of loss of professional ability an athlete due to an accident at work. Methodology. The study was carried out using a set of scientific approaches and methods, the leading among which were: analysis and synthesis, system, complex, specific legal, comparative legal methods. Results and conclusions the study. The author substantiates the conclusion that in the absence of differentiation in the right social security, carried out taking into account the differentiation of legal regulation of labor, the proper implementation the principle equality of rights and freedoms citizens, as well as the appropriate level of social protection the population is questioned. In this regard, in determining the degree of loss professional ability to work, it is necessary to differentiate depending on the type of professional activity of the victim, on the specifics the employment function, specifically social and professional risks to which different categories of workers are exposed. Practical importance. The author substantiates the need for the formulation the name position of the athlete to specify a certain type (types) of sport, to participate in which (which) he is hired, which may be of interest to representatives of science and practice. The originality of the study. The study is of interest to specialists in the field of law, both researchers of theoretical and practical aspects.
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