Legal Regulation of Corporate Governance in Credit Institutions During the Period of Unilateral Restrictive Measures of Foreign States
( Pp. 118-126)

More about authors
Samokhina Anna Nikolaevna Postgraduate student, Moscow, Russia
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Abstract: The purpose of the research. The article reveals the features of the legal regulation of corporate governance in credit institutions under the conditions of unilateral restrictive measures by foreign states. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the role of special legal regulation of corporate governance in credit institutions, taking into account the current needs of the state and its economy. The scientific novelty lies in the study of corporate governance in credit institutions during the period of sanctions against economic entities of Russia, which represents additional risks for the development of credit institutions in the long term. The author analysed the impact of sanctions on the activities of credit institutions and their corporate governance. The research uses a wide range of general scientific and private (formal legal, legal forecasting, comparative legal) research methods. To identify the features of the legal regulation of corporate governance in credit institutions, the author used the method of system analysis. The formal legal method contributed to the solution of the tasks associated with the formulation of conclusions. Results. Temporary measures of state support in the field of legal regulation of corporate governance in credit institutions are aimed at protecting national interests and ensuring the sustainability of the Russian economy. The author draws conclusions about the practice of corporate governance in credit institutions in 2022-2023, and formed recommendations for further improvement of the legal regulation of corporate governance in credit institutions in the conditions of the existence of anti-Russian unilateral restrictive measures.
How to Cite:
Samokhina A.N. Legal Regulation of Corporate Governance in Credit Institutions During the Period of Unilateral Restrictive Measures of Foreign States // Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023. Vol. 16. №6. Pp. 118-126. (in Russ.). EDN: KCYYXA
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corporate governance, credit institutions, sanctions, unilateral restrictive measures..

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