Potential of Machine Learning for Development of the Venture Capital Investments in Russia
( Pp. 209-215)

More about authors
Ekaterina D. Kazakova the Faculty of Information Technology and Big Data Analysis
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Currently, the Russian economy is facing unprecedented sanctions pressure from Western countries. In addition to import substitution and digitalization, one of the most important directions of government policy is the simplification and stimulation of new technological solutions (startup projects). The aim of the research is to study the potential of using artificial intelligence and machine learning in pre-investment analysis of the startup projects' potential profitability at early stages of development for subsequent venture investment. As a result, a number of recommendations have been proposed for the development of venture investment in Russian startup projects. Furthermore, the technological and information foundation has been described in accordance with the directions of the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The approaches to formalizing the parameters of the future venture investment recommendation system have been explored for subsequent practical application: identifying promising startup projects, calculating risks and potential profits.
How to Cite:
Kazakova E. D. Potential of Machine Learning for Development of the Venture Capital Investments in Russia // ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND LEGAL PRACTICE. 2023. Vol. 19. № 2. P. 209-215. (in Russ.)
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venture investing, venture capital, startup projects, machine learning, artificial intelligence, valuation activities, investment analysis..

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