The 2020 Amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Parliamentarism
( Pp. 48-54)

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Shulzhenko Yuriy Leonidovich Dr.Sci.(Law), professor, Chief Researcher, Department of Constitutional Law and Constitutional Justice, Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored lawyer of Russian Federation
Institute of the State and Law
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Abstract: The purpose of the study. The 2020 amendments to the Constitution of our country are of great importance. Their volume, nature, and essence indicate, from our point of view, in fact, a new edition of the Basic Law of the Russian Federation. The amendments in one way or another affected almost all the most important state-legal institutions. This fully applies to such of them as parliamentarism. And it is the analysis of innovations here that is the purpose of this article. First of all, the author’s concise definition of parliamentarism is presented - the supremacy of parliament. It was emphasized that the attitude to this institution in our country was different. So, under socialism, it was actually denied. The revival of parliamentarism began in the 90s of the last century, which was most vividly reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993. In the Amendments to it in 2020, innovations concerning parliamentarism were expressed primarily in the provisions concerning the organization of the Supreme People’s Representation of Russia – the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, especially the status of its members; the functions of the national parliament, and first of all the long-established control authority; formation of a number of the most important state bodies. The main issue of parliamentarism is the relationship between the parliament and the government. conclusions. The analysis of the 2020 Amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation indicates that parliamentarism is and will be one of the most important institutions of national statehood. He is the most important guarantor of ensuring the supremacy of the Federal Assembly – the Parliament of Russia. The amendments follow the path of increasing the status of parliamentarism, improving it, and first of all in the sphere of its control powers. When preparing the article, first of all, three main scientific research methods were used–dogmatic, historical, comparative.
How to Cite:
Shulzhenko Y.L., (2023), THE 2020 AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND PARLIAMENTARISM. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 2 => 48-54.
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