Prevention of Crimes Committed in the Sphere of Digital Currency Turnover
( Pp. 227-231)

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Daurov Alim Ibragimovich Police Major, Lecturer at the Department of Fire Training
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Nalchik, Russia
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to study the ways of using digital currency in illegal activities and measures aimed at regulating their use.
The problem of classifying crimes with the use of cryptocurrencies suggests that it is necessary to develop new legal acts that would establish criminal liability for any use of cryptocurrencies. Such a currency is attractive to criminals because its movement is almost impossible to track. The fact is that transactions are carried out without the use of banks and anonymously. In the future, criminals have the opportunity to cash out money in those countries of the world that allow this to be done. Cryptocurrency moves without problems, bypassing the borders of the state.
After analyzing the issues of latency of the listed criminal acts, it was found that criminals use digital technologies and use cryptocurrencies, which allows them to operate in the strictest secrecy and maintain their anonymity. Independent experts claim that the latency of such crimes is at least 90%. This is partly due to the imperfection of modern legislation, there are simply no methodological materials to train law enforcement officers in the fight against this modern phenomenon.
It is concluded that the attitude to cryptocurrencies in different countries is different. However, the legal regulation of this issue in many countries is absent or poorly developed, there are also no international legal norms. All this together contributes to the growth of crime, especially its types such as the legalization of proceeds from crime, drug trafficking, fraud, financing of prohibited organizations, such as terrorist ones. For the Russian legal field, this issue is also complex and critically important. A number of legislative acts have already been adopted, but this is not enough to create a full-fledged system for regulating the use of cryptocurrencies or completely prohibiting their use.
How to Cite:
Daurov A.I. Prevention of Crimes Committed in the Sphere of Digital Currency Turnover // Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023. Vol. 16. №5. Pp. 227-231. (in Russ.). EDN: NNPPSQ
Reference list:
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digital currency, cryptocurrency. money laundering, terrorist financing, secrecy, anonymity, crime latency, crime prevention..

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