( Pp. 35-40)

More about authors
Ratushnyak Victor S. kandidat tehnicheskih nauk; docent kafedry SOD
Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport Ilin Evgenij Sergeevich kandidat tehnicheskih nauk; zamestitel direktora po nauchnoy rabote i informacionnym tehnologiyam. Specialnost VAK 05.13.01.
Krasnoyarsk Rail Transport Institute - the branch of IrGUPS in the city of Krasnoyarsk Ratushnyak Valentina Sergeevna aspirant kafedry «Avtomatizaciya proizvodstvennyh processov». Specialnost VAK 05.13.06.
Purpose. The article presents a laboratory setup and a measuring system of oscillations of a fixed wire with a transverse impact.Findings. This measuring system can be used to determine wire displacements from 1.5 µm with a time resolution of 5 ns.Practical meaning. The laboratory setup will allow experimental studies of the reaction of the wire and the frozen ice tube to a mechanical shock by an inductor, the speed and energy of which can be an order of magnitude higher than that of a pendulum. Originality/value. Described installation for the study of the destructive effect transmitted to the ice indirectly, through a bump,mounted on the wire.
How to Cite:
Ratushnyak V.S., Ilin E.S., Ratushnyak V.S., (2019), THE METHOD OF EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF IMPACT ON WIRE TRANSMISSION LINES. Computational Nanotechnology, 2 => 35-40.
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