( Pp. 35-40)
More about authors
Ratushnyak Victor S.
kandidat tehnicheskih nauk; docent kafedry SOD
Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport Ilin Evgenij Sergeevich kandidat tehnicheskih nauk; zamestitel direktora po nauchnoy rabote i informacionnym tehnologiyam. Specialnost VAK 05.13.01.
Krasnoyarsk Rail Transport Institute - the branch of IrGUPS in the city of Krasnoyarsk Ratushnyak Valentina Sergeevna aspirant kafedry «Avtomatizaciya proizvodstvennyh processov». Specialnost VAK 05.13.06.
Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport Ilin Evgenij Sergeevich kandidat tehnicheskih nauk; zamestitel direktora po nauchnoy rabote i informacionnym tehnologiyam. Specialnost VAK 05.13.01.
Krasnoyarsk Rail Transport Institute - the branch of IrGUPS in the city of Krasnoyarsk Ratushnyak Valentina Sergeevna aspirant kafedry «Avtomatizaciya proizvodstvennyh processov». Specialnost VAK 05.13.06.
Purpose. The article presents a laboratory setup and a measuring system of oscillations of a fixed wire with a transverse impact.Findings. This measuring system can be used to determine wire displacements from 1.5 µm with a time resolution of 5 ns.Practical meaning. The laboratory setup will allow experimental studies of the reaction of the wire and the frozen ice tube to a mechanical shock by an inductor, the speed and energy of which can be an order of magnitude higher than that of a pendulum. Originality/value. Described installation for the study of the destructive effect transmitted to the ice indirectly, through a bump,mounted on the wire.
How to Cite:
Ratushnyak V.S., Ilin E.S., Ratushnyak V.S., (2019), THE METHOD OF EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF IMPACT ON WIRE TRANSMISSION LINES. Computational Nanotechnology, 2 => 35-40.
Reference list:
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