About financial flowsglobalization on the world markets: theoretical aspect
( Pp. 244-248)
More about authors
Guzhavyna Ludmila M.
professor kafedry finansov i cen
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Philippov David I. docent kafedry Bankovskogo dela
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Philippov David I. docent kafedry Bankovskogo dela
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
The article is devoted to theoretical research on financial market category. It examines the characteristics of financial flows in the global markets in the context of globalization, taking into account the factors affecting the level of participation of national financial markets in the operations of the international financial market
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Reference list:
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world, international and national financial market, the global capital market, financial flows, financial globalization, the European market.