Special Constitutional and legal status of the procuracy and special nature of the prosecution authorities
( Pp. 42-45)

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Savelov Michail Alekseevitch aspirant kafedry «Gosudarstvenno-pravovye discipliny» yuridicheskogo fakulteta
State Law Department of Penza State University
Background: the aim of this article is disclose the nature of the judicial authorities via special constitutional and legal status of procuracy. Issues related to the judicial authorities and the constitutional and legal status of the procuracy are raised in the works of a number of researchers and scientists (Barsukova V. N., Belyaeva V.P., Byval′ceva S. G., Gulagin A. Y., Melnikov N. V., Safonova T.Y., etc.), but in this article these issues are studied in their systemic interconnections. The questions concerning constitutional and legal status of the public procuracy and the judicial authorities in foreign countries under analysis are studied in the works of foreign researchers: Nomejler M., FumiyumiVatanabe, Lee van Kan et al. Model: As a subject of study we chose constitutional and legal statements regulating the organization and functioning of the public procuracy, as well as theoretical statements concerning the essence and nature of state power. In this regard, method of analysis, deduction and comparative law method are mainly used in the paper. Conclusions: The study concludes that there is a relatively independent judicial authority in the Russian Federation which has a deterrent effect on other branches of Government. Great attention is drawn to the fact that prosecution authorities are implemented through a separate system of State power with a special constitutional status which requires constant strengthening. Practical value: This scientific work can be used with the aim of justifying the extention of the authority of the public procuracy and the establishment of its new activities. Social consequences: Historical experience shows that the effectiveness of the system of the prosecution service has a great influence on the adoption of the law in the community. The development of constitutional and legal status of the public procuracy would have a positive impact on the law and order in the society. Value: This paper focusing on a wide range of public is intended to draw the attention of legislators to the need to maintain and enhance the competence of the procuracy. The novelty is in the fact that the nature of the judicial power is revealed through the constitutional and legal status of the authorities that implement it.
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Reference list:
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