MainAuthors Makshaeva Evgenia N. kandidat istoricheskih nauk; docent kafedry vseobschey istorii, politologii i regionovedeniya National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University ARTICLES: THE FEATURES OF POLICI MAKER DEVELOPMENT IN RESPUBLICS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Sociopolitical Sciences — Issue №2 2016: 55-58 THE PROBLEM OF INTERNATIONAL CONFLICTS AND UNRECOGNIZED STATES IN THE EUROPEAN AND POST-SOVIET REGION: GEOPOLITICAL AND INTERNATIONAL LEGAL ASPECTS Sociopolitical Sciences — Issue №5 2019: 37-41 Images of the West in the Russian political discourse and strategy of Russia Sociopolitical Sciences — Issue №5 2020: 128-133 The problem of the historical path of Russia in theory and politics Sociopolitical Sciences — Issue №2 2021: 13-18