Elena V. Bodrova
Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, Head of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
«MIREA — Russian Technological University» , Moscow, Russian Federation
The Development of Computer Technology in the First Half of the 1960s: Attempts to Overcome the Backlog
Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №6 2015: 2658-4654
The Development of Computer Technology in the First Half of the 1960s: Attempts to Overcome the Backlog
History and Modern Perspectives — Issue №3 2023: 81-89
State Policy in the Field of Computer Technology Development in the 1950s: Achievements and Blocking Factors
History and Modern Perspectives — Issue №2 2023: 48-56
About the Achievements and Factors that Determined the Slowdown in the Development of the USSR Oil and Gas Complex at the Turn of the 1960–1970
History and Modern Perspectives — Issue №2 2024: 78-85