( Pp. 68-71)

More about authors
Gridneva Olga V. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent kafedry organizacii finansovo-ekonomicheskogo, materialno-tehnicheskogo i medicinskogo obespecheniya
Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia Neznamova Alla A. Cand. Sci. (Law), Head of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure
Academy of Labor and Social Relations
Moscow, Russian Federation
Authors of article research the rights of political parties to protection of business reputation. The concept of business reputation is analyzed, criteria by which it is possible to judge business reputation of political party are characterized, various points of view on this problem, court practice, and also the Law № 95 «About political parties» are considered. The concept «moral harm» concerning political party is researched.
How to Cite:
Gridneva O.V., Neznamova A.A., (2017), RIGHT OF POLITICAL PARTIES FOR PROTECTION OF BUSINESS REPUTATION. Sociopolitical Sciences, 1 => 68-71.
Reference list:
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political parties, the protection of business reputation, the protection of business reputation of political parties.

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