( Pp. 108-110)

More about authors
Zimenkova Natalia N. kandidat filosofskih nauk, docent, starshiy prepodavatel kafedry gumanitarnyh i socialno-ekonomicheskih disciplin
the MA of Aerospace Defence named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K.Zhukov, Tver
The article attempts to socio-philosophical analysis of the concept of «intellectual capital». In particular, it's clarified that this concept can be used in relation to the organization, expressing the so-called invisible assets, as well as in relation to the individual, reflecting his knowledge, skills, abilities. This concept is one of the central in modern societies of knowledge.
How to Cite:
Zimenkova N.N., (2018), INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL IN PERSPECTIVE OF SOCIO-PHILOSOPHICAL THOUGHT. Sociopolitical Sciences, 5 => 108-110.
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