( Pp. 43-47)

More about authors
Malko Alexander V. doktor yuridicheskih nauk, professor, direktor Saratovskogo filiala Instituta gosudarstva i prava RAN, glavnyy redaktor akademicheskogo i vuzovskogo yuridicheskogo nauchnogo zhurnala «Pravovaya politika i pravovaya zhizn»
Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saratov branch Elistratova Valentina V. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent, docent kafedry inostrannyh yazykov
Saratov State Law Academy
This article is devoted to the legal conditions and legal means of euroasian economic judicial system formation. Its aim is to provide effective legal activity of the new subranational culture. The article examines the necessity of the reasonable policy in the sphere of creation the independent judicial system of euroasian economic union as well as the positive using of euroasian economic unity experience. It deals with comparative aspect of the Court of Euroasian economic union jurisdiction and the Court of the Euroasian economic community. Need of creation of the Concept of judicial policy of the Union is emphasized. The consistent judicial policy taking into account legal experience of authoritative interstate associations and will promote formation of integration justice in the Euroasian economic union, to observe the balance of interests of all participants of the Euroasian integration and provide their equal membership.
How to Cite:
Malko A.V., Elistratova V.V., (2017), PROBLEMS OF FORMATION OF JUDICIAL SYSTEM OF THE EUROASIAN ECONOMIC UNION. Sociopolitical Sciences, 3 => 43-47.
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