Politics of Russia and the United States in the post-Soviet space as a factor in the management of integration processes in the region
( Pp. 7-11)
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Bakhlova Olga V.
doktor politicheskih nauk, docent; professor kafedry vseobschey istorii, politologii i regionovedeniya
National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University
National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University
Objective: The main objective of the study was to determine the nature, results, and perspectives influence policies of the US and Russia on the evolution and management of integration processes in the post-Soviet space. Materials and methods: The study is based on the analysis of complex, expert assessments of domestic and foreign experts, the methods of political diagnosis and political forecasting can help to identify problems and tendencies of integration development in the region, show existing and the possible consequences of the implementation of the interests of its members and counterparties. With a theoretical-conceptual point of view, particular attention is drawn to the comparison of the approaches of political realism (H. Kissinger), neorealism (J. Mearsheimer), neoliberal internationalism (Zb. Brzezinski). Conclusion: The results of US policy in the framework of the missionary interventionist approach are destructive for the progressive development of integration processes in the Commonwealth space. Some directions of its probable transformation in the era of President D. Trump in the perspective of the impact of objective and subjective factors are singled out. The need for Russia to develop a flexible, balanced strategy to counter the geopolitical pluralization of the region and the importance of optimizing the integration toolkit are stressed. Practical significance and research framework: The findings can be used in the theoretical development of the issues of integration and political forecasting political and socio-economic processes and communications at different levels, to improve the efficiency of the integration policy of the Russian Federation and the mainstreaming of integration formats. Value: This work is intended for specialists involved in the study of regional integration processes and problems of formation and implementation of integration policies.
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Reference list:
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