Visual Sources in the Study of Political and Legal Doctrines
( Pp. 88-92)

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Kirill S. Korovin Cand. Sci. (Law), Lecturer at the Department of Theory of State and Law
Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Visual research has been gaining popularity in various social sciences in recent decades. Moreover, developments in sociology, political science and law related to the study of cultural aspects of society are interdisciplinary in nature. Jurisprudence is a fairly conservative scientific field in Russia, and the theories of the Soviet period continue to occupy dominant positions in legal science. Nevertheless, there are quite interesting approaches borrowed from other sciences of the socio-humanitarian profile. In this regard, the study of visual sources in jurisprudence seems to the author to be a promising direction, since, one way or another, legal concepts are represented in the visual. It is worth remembering any works of fine art (propaganda posters) or cinema (cinema), where you can see the reflection of certain political and legal ideas. The purpose of the article is to show the role and importance of visual sources of information in general, as well as in relation to the history of political and steam exercises. Because the standard format of considering political and legal ideas only within the framework of written sources does not allow for a comprehensive study of the influence of doctrines on legal consciousness. Visual as well as auditory sources significantly expand the picture of the legal world. Also, the author for the first time gave a classification of visual and legal sources, which, in turn, are divided into static and dynamic. The work clearly shows that law can also be studied in a visual context, which is to some extent an anthropological reading of the legal matter.
How to Cite:
Kirill S.K., (2021), VISUAL SOURCES IN THE STUDY OF POLITICAL AND LEGAL DOCTRINES. Sociopolitical Sciences, 6 => 88-92.
Reference list:
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visual, sources of law, visual studies, cinematography, posters, theory of law, representation.

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