Some problems in the order of publication non-procedural appeals in the Internet
( Pp. 63-65)

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Rudov Anton Y. aspirant kafedry grazhdanskogo processa i organizacii sluzhby sudebnyh pristavov
All-Russian State University of Justice (ARSUJ)
In the article the author poses the tasks of investigating the procedure for publishing non-procedural appeals to judges in the Internet network, established by legal acts. The author carried out an analysis of the norms of civil law and procedural legislation in order to identify problems in the system of actions of the court apparatus when receiving non-procedural appeals by means of comparative legal and other scientific methods. As a result of the analysis carried out by the author, the existing unresolved problems of the overly broad range of powers of the president of the court on the issue of the decision to publish non-procedural appeals were revealed. In addition, the author proves that all non-procedural appeals submitted to the court and registered by him must be published in the Internet network. The conclusions made in the article will be used to further develop the mechanism for limiting non-procedural appeals.
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Reference list:
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