Features of the Content of the Final Stage of the Investigation of Bribery
( Pp. 240-244)

More about authors
Nikolay G. Shurukhnov
Tula Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA Ministry of Justice Russia)
Tula, Russia Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Moscow, Russia
The features of the final stage of the investigation of receiving a bribe are considered, its differences from the preliminary, initial and subsequent stages are shown, the content of the investigator's activities is given when summarizing the results of the investigation, tasks are formulated and the directions of their resolution are shown. Considerable attention is paid to solving the tasks facing the investigator at the final stage of the investigation, analyzing and evaluating the evidence collected, including the specifics when concluding a pre-trial cooperation agreement with the accused. The article focuses on procedural rules and the technology for drafting an indictment.
How to Cite:
Nikolay G.S., (2021), FEATURES OF THE CONTENT OF THE FINAL STAGE OF THE INVESTIGATION OF BRIBERY. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 4 => 240-244.
Reference list:
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final stage, assessing the sufficiency of evidence collected, systematization of criminal case materials, familiarization of the participants in the investigation with the materials of the criminal case, petitions, indictment.

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