Analysis of attributional modeling methods in marketing
( Pp. 86-90)

More about authors
Denisenko Igor A. Postgraduate student, department of data analysis and machine learning
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation Grineva Natalia V. Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor; associate professor, Department of Data Analysis and Machine Learning; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Moscow, Russian Federation
The sharp increase in the number of Internet users has led to the rapid spread of e-commerce, and, as a result, the development of online (digital) marketing tools. At the same time, one of the key tasks is to estimate the impact on the user of each marketing touchpoint in the «digital path» when the user reaches a certain goal (conversion). In other words, it is required to assess the extent to which each marketing channel contributes to the success of the marketing strategy, which is traditionally solved by applying an attribution model. In recent years, with the development of technologies for collecting, accumulating, and aggregating web data about users and their interactions with digital marketing channels, approaches to attribution modeling have also improved. Researchers have proposed a wide range of approaches to attribution modeling, and the question of the best approach is still relevant today. The following tasks are set and solved in the article: 1) the concept of «attribution modeling» is defined; 2) modern methods of attribution modeling are presented and described; 3) identified and described the advantages and disadvantages of each approach to attribution modeling.
How to Cite:
Denisenko I.A., Grineva N.V., (2021), ANALYSIS OF ATTRIBUTIONAL MODELING METHODS IN MARKETING. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 1 => 86-90.
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