( Pp. 200-203)

More about authors
Bezsaliy Olesia Rashidovna Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor, lecturer
Ural State Law University named after V.F. Yakovlev
Ekaterinburg, Russia
The purpose of writing this work is to analyze the problems of legal regulation of the warning of the prosecutor and the description of practical recommendations in the field of improving the activities of the prosecutor's office to prevent violations of laws. The field of study comprised the powers and legal means of the prosecutor, applied when sending or warning the prosecutor. As a result of the analysis of the powers of the prosecutor, problems of legal regulation of the prosecutor's warning have been revealed. The significance of the work is that a number of conclusions and proposals made in it can be used directly in the work of the prosecutor's office. The article is aimed at improving the quality of such an act of prosecutorial response as a warning to the prosecutor.
How to Cite:
Bezsaliy O.R., (2018), PROBLEMS OF LEGAL REGULATION OF THE WARNING PROSECUTOR. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 4 => 200-203.
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