Problems associated with improvement of legislation on criminal liability for illegal banking operations
( Pp. 229-233)

More about authors
Akhmedkhanova Samira Telkhatovna Candidate of Legal Sciences Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law
North Caucasus Institute (branch) VSU (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)
Makhachkala, Dagestan Republic Akhmedkhanov Sabina T. kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, docent, docent
Dagestan State Technical University Mirzaev Ammakadi R. magistr
North-Caucasian Institute (branch) of RSUJ (RLA of the Ministry of justice of Russia)
In modern Russia, the free exercise of economic activity has created for the legislator a number of problems related to ensuring and protecting the rights and legitimate interests of participants in economic activity, as well as the state as a guarantor of the existence and development of the entire society. The state controls the state and development of the banking system, regulates all banking activities of credit organizations, and determines the grounds and limits of public intervention in this activity. Our research shows that there are negative stages and trends in the implementation of banking activities at the present stage. The main purpose of the research is to study the legal framework regulating the procedure for conducting banking activities, the problems associated with the procedure for bringing to criminal responsibility persons who have committed crimes in this area. Research conducted in this area allows us to identify the main causes and grounds for committing crimes in the course of banking activities, in order to identify shortcomings and contradictions in the construction of criminal law regulations governing the procedure for bringing to justice for unlawful conduct of various banking operations. Measures of preventive and preventive impact, of a criminal legal nature, carried out by both external and internal actors, are proposed. The problems related to the improvement of legislation in the field of criminal law regulation of banking activities are revealed and proposals are made to tighten the measures of criminal prosecution.
How to Cite:
Akhmedkhanova S.T., Akhmedkhanov S.T., Mirzaev A.R., (2020), PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH IMPROVEMENT OF LEGISLATION ON CRIMINAL LIABILITY FOR ILLEGAL BANKING OPERATIONS. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 4 => 229-233.
Reference list:
Aminov D. I., Gladkikh V. I., Solov ev K. S. Korruptsiya kak sotsial no-pravovoy fenomen i puti ee preodoleniya / D. I. Aminov, V. I. Gladkikh, K. S. Solov ev; Mosk. akad. predprinimatel stva pri pravitel stve g. Moskvy. - M. : YUrist, 2012. - 158 s.
Naumov A.V. Rossiyskoe ugolovnoe pravo. Obshchaya chast : Kurs lektsiy. M., 1996. 550 s.
Kuznetsova N.F. Osnovnye cherty Osobennoy chasti UK RF // Vestnik Mosk. un-ta. Ser. Pravo. 1996. № 5. S. 14-31.
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crime, banking, prevention, prevention, legislation, criminal law.

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