The influence of the digitalization of the Russian economy on the organization of legal regulation of relationships of alimentation
( Pp. 160-165)

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Serebryakova Alla A. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent, docent kafedry grazhdanskogo prava i processa
Pskov State University
A task. The author of the article identifies the problem of insufficient involvement of family relations in the processes of digitalization of the economy taking place in Russian society. We are talking about the legal regulation of family relations and the use of new digital tools. The author notes that the connection of new digital tools is very useful for the legal regulation of family relations. In some areas, for example, in the field of alimony, this is necessary to improve the efficiency of legal regulation. Model. To solve this problem, it is required to investigate the state of legal regulation of alimony relations in the Russian Federation. It is summarized that the condition is not satisfactory. Crisis phenomena are recorded. At the same time, the progressive development of technology offers new tools. It is necessary to investigate the possibility of their use in the process of legal regulation of alimony relations, the organization of the fulfillment of obligations for material support in the family, control over the proper performance in order to overcome the crisis of alimony non-payments. Conclusions. The use of new technologies of the digital economy is proposed. Such as big data, artificial intelligence and others. The possibility of their use in the process of legal regulation of alimony relations, organizing the fulfillment of obligations for material support in the family, monitoring the proper fulfillment of obligations to pay alimony is confirmed by their successful implementation in the sphere of legal regulation of various groups of social relations. Proposals are made on the organization of electronic registration of payers and recipients of alimony on the basis of platform solutions, the widespread use of the principles of voluntariness, responsibility, self-organization of the participants in relations to provide material support in the family, avoiding «paternalistic» tendencies on the part of the state in the legal regulation of alimony relations in order to overcome the crisis alimony non-payments. Practical value. Implementation of the approach proposed by the author, determined by technological changes taking place in modern society, will help to overcome the systemic crisis of alimony on-payments. Social consequences. Medium-term social consequences - openness, certainty in understanding the rights and obligations of participants in the legal relationship of alimony. The long-term consequences of overcoming the crisis are the strengthening of the institution of the family, the maintenance of traditional family values and the formation of new traditions for new generations of family members in a new information technology-economic society. Originality, value. The originality of the author's idea lies in the novelty of the proposals made on the possibility of applying the tools of the digital economy to the legal regulation of family relations. The value lies in the possibility of overcoming the systemic crises of the family using new digital tools offered in the new tecn0-ecnomic society. A digital perspective will make it possible to overcome the alimony crisis.
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legal regulation of alimony relations, digital economy and family.

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