The history of the creation and development of special technical means designed for secretly obtaining information
( Pp. 272-275)

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Usov Evgeny G. operupolnomochennyy, otdel po borbe s organizovannoy prestupnostyu, upravlenie ugolovnogo rozyska
Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Irkutsk Region
The purpose of the research. One of the inalienable attributes of the modern information society are special technical means designed for secretly obtaining information. At the same time, in the process of its development, the special technique went through several successive stages that determined the vector of its development. In this article, we will focus on the history of the creation and development of special technical means designed for tacit information. Results. In this article, the author comes to the conclusion that the history of the creation and development of special technical means intended for secretly obtaining information has its own unique periodization due to the foreign and domestic policies of states. The author's position on this periodization is offered. The author also cites the provision that a considerable amount of time has passed between the creation of the first samples of special technical means intended for secretly obtaining information and their mass production. Also, the author comes to the conclusion that the key period in the creation and development of special technical means intended for secretly obtaining information is the period of the late XX - early XXI century.
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Reference list:
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special equipment, secret receipt of information, information protection, violation of constitutional rights, development history.

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