( Pp. 79-82)

More about authors
Novitskaya Lyudmila Yu. docent Departamenta pravovogo regulirovaniya ekonomicheskoy deyatelnosti
Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation Malysheva Liliya V. yurist
the legal agency «Moscow Legal Consulting», Moscow
Purpose. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current legislation in the field of the contract system of the Russian Federation, its recent changes regulating the transition to electronic procurement procedures (electronic Contracting system). Design/ methodology / approach. The article provides a comparative legal analysis of the previously existing, recently introduced, but already existing rules, as well as innovations that come into force in 2019, in order to identify the legal shortcomings and advantages of the new electronic contract system. Findings. The article analyzes the rules governing the electronic Contracting system (transition to electronic procedures), as well as the development of the contract system for its full automation. Formed conclusions that the movement in the direction of electronization and automation of the procurement system will facilitate the work of participants in the procurement process, however, the disadvantages lie in the fact that such rapid innovation nor the contract system, nor its participants do not have time to prepare, in connection with which there are problems of an organizational nature. Originality / value. The contract system has been developing for a long time, constantly being modernized and improved. Constant refinement and processing leads to its complications, both for customers and suppliers, which causes unintended errors. In 2018, and then in 2019, the contract system again undergoes changes, which requires special attention.
How to Cite:
Novitskaya L.Y., Malysheva L.V., (2018), TOPICAL ISSUES OF AUTOMATION AND ELECTRONIZATION OF THE CONTRACT SYSTEM. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 6 => 79-82.
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