( Pp. 101-104)

More about authors
Bogdan Varvara V. doktor yuridicheskih nauk, professor kafedry grazhdanskogo prava
the South-West state University, Kursk Pronina Yulia O. kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, docent kafedry grazhdanskogo prava
the South-West state University, Kursk Zherelina Olga Nikolaevna Dolzhnost: prepodavatel. Podrazdelenie: kafedra pravovyh osnov upravleniya.
This article discusses the main issues of the state as a subject of innovation. In today's world community life without innovation is not represented, as almost all countries of the world are involved in the process of creation, implementation and implementation of innovative products, by increasing the number of innovative processes. The study used the methods of deduction, induction, legal analysis, formal legal and comparative methods. The study was conducted using the case-analysis method. Theoretical basis the study is based on the conclusions drawn by jurists, developing the topic, in particular: L. Y. Garitina, D. A. pashentsev, E. V. Oleneva and others. The article is devoted to the analysis of the existing concepts of the theoretical foundations of the innovative society. The study examines the interaction of the state and other subjects of innovation from the point of public-legal and private-legal aspects. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that the transition and formation of a competitive innovation national system can not do without the Genesis of legal regulation of innovations by satisfying private and public interests. Today, the society has recognized the importance of satisfying not only private interests, but also public interests, which can be realized only through the state legal reengineering of the definition and construction of the innovation system. The analysis showed that the policy of the state aimed at the regulation of innovations, is still declarative in nature, there is no single legal system, the question of the relationship of public and private law principles is not fully resolved. The results of scientific research have shown that the state needs to strike a balance in the combination of public-legal and private - legal methods of regulation of innovation processes and self-regulation, taking into account the interests of all participants in the innovation cycle.
How to Cite:
Bogdan V.V., Pronina Y.O., Zherelina O.N., (2018), THE STATE AS A SUBJECT OF INNOVATION ACTIVITY: PUBLIC LAW AND PRIVATE LAW ASPECTS. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 4 => 101-104.
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