Economic Problems and Legal Practice

Issue №2 2020
Issue №2 2020
ISSN: 2541-8025 (print)       ISSN 2712-7605 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-367 Prev Next
1. ECONOMIC THEORY Human and labor in the digital post-crisis economy: relationships, modern trends, statements, future professions, system solutions Sergey Yu. Popkov Land cadastre in Northern, southern and Eastern Europe: the concept of land cadastre, land registration of various categories, economic principles of land cadastre Pokotilo Oksana V. 2. NATIONAL ECONOMY AND MANAGEMENT Actual problems of measurement inflation process Samorukova Galina V. Samorukova Nataliya V. Republic of Mordovia: analysis of image positioning attributes Zaitseva Larisa A. Napalkova Irina G. Public land administration in the EU: land cadastre, registration, taxation Pokotilo Oksana V. An analysis of the impact of tariffs on economic growth in Nigeria Adie Joseph Adie Ofem Lekam Ujong Communicative and information factor of convergent development of economy Kareysha Pavel G. Monitoring the export of educational services of the state university Ligidov Ramazan M. Nagoyev Alim B. Nalchadzhi Tatiana A. Sintsova Zinaida L. 3. FINANCE, CASH AND CREDIT Methods for assessing and predicting the efficiency of use of labor and financial resources during unification on the life cycle of high-tech products Podolsky Alexander G. Transformation of approaches to the content of the principle of fairness in personal taxation Timiryazeva Anna V. Tax risks at implementation of expenses on personnel Elena E. Smirnova 4. ACCOUNTING, STATISTICS Modernization of the bank's employee retention and development system Sitnov Alexey A. Yulia A. Zurnadzhyants Malvina R. Karabasheva IT audit as a check of compliance with the requirements of the company's business objectives system Sitnov Alexey A. Bareeva Bakhu R. Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of internal control and audit in an insurance organization Liudmila V. Kashirskaya Aksana A. Turgaeva Reporting competitiveness management Barfiev Kobildzhon Kh. Mirzokhonov Seredzhiddin O. Analysis of methods of cost accounting of products in the field of confectionery production Rozhkova Nadezhda K. Accounting and analytical support of risk management in trade organizations Grishkina Svenlana N. Pogorelova Anastasia L. Budgeting in the management and internal control system of an insurance company Aksana A. Turgaeva Kushner Maxim A. Improving the management system of a multidisciplinary health care institution Yulia A. Zurnadzhyants Shamasheva Kristina O. Malvina R. Karabasheva Trends in the activities of Russian telecommunications companies based on the analysis of the dynamics of reporting indicators Liudmila V. Kashirskaya Monogarova Anastasia A. Shamasheva Kristina O. 5. MATHEMATICAL AND INSTRUMENTAL METHODS OF ECONOMICS Development of the indicative system for assessing the «happiness» level using global indexes, including human capital Olga S. Prichina Viktor D. Orekhov Mathematical modeling of the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic in a number of European, Asian countries, Israel and Russia Kurkina Elena S. Vasetsky Aleksey M. Koltsova Eleonora M. The algorithms for searching the global extremum of the Markowitz portfolio optimization model Ulanov Denis A. Lyndin Kirill A. 6. WORLD ECONOMY Digital transformation for the business of the EAEU countries Givargizova Lidia S. 7. THEORY AND HISTORY OF LAW AND STATE; HISTORY OF LAW AND STATE TEACHINGS Bases of classification of branches of the Russian legislation: search for new approaches in digital era Barzilova Inna Sergeevna Religious and moral principles of family relations in the legislation of the prophet Moses Bespalko Viktor G. Notary as a participant in extrajudicial procedures for protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens Merkulova Sofya S. 8. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; CONSTITUTIONAL JUDICIAL PROCESS; MUNICIPAL LAW Civil society institution and their role in monitoring compliance with migration legislation Prudnikov Anatoly S. Mayurov Nikolay P. Problems of establishment and calculation of terms in the constitutional law Ilin Danila N. Constitutional bases of the digital economy Savelyev Yan E. 9. CIVIL LAW BUSINESS LAW FAMILY LAW; PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW On the issue of civil liability in the use of artificial intelligence and other digital technologies Evgeny L. Vengerovsky Sergey G. Pavlikov Practical aspects of the procurement of goods (works, services) during the reorganization of a unitary enterprise into a budget institution Epifanova Tatiana V. Ryabchikov Dmitry D. Parkin Vladislav I. Some aspects of the application of new medical technologies in reproduction, therapy (human) and genetic modification (human, plant, animal) through the prism of regulatory provisions and recognized ethical rules (guidelines) in stem cell research and biomedical research in India in the context of intellectual property rights protection Ksenia M.Belikova Return and exchange of goods of the appropriate quality in the remote trading: problems of theory and practice Shaydullina Venera Kamilevna Contract agreement: general characteristics and problems of law enforcement Ginzburg Irina Vladimirovna Regarding the cancellation of the commercial concession agreements Mazepov Petr E. Privative and cumulative novation of the undertaking in the legal order of the Slovak Republic Birošík Stanislav Lease of municipal property: problems of legal regulation and practice Linara M. Battalova 10. FINANCIAL LAW; TAX LAW; BUDGETARY LAW Risky business model as a basis for attracting persons controlling a credit institution to recover losses Alekseeva Diana G. Tax checks of compliance with the law on the use of cash control equipment: their efficiency and efficiency Viktor V. Moroz Milehina Catherine S. Legal regulation of state financial control: theoretical and legal bases Shepeleva Dina Victorovna Features of the payment of property taxes by individuals Oksana N. Golovchenko 11. EMPLOYMENT LAW; RIGHT TO SOCIAL SECURITY On the concept and content of disability in the Russian legislation Galaeva Lyudmila Anatolyevna Malaya Tatiana Nickolaevna 12. LAND LAW; NATURAL RESOURCE LAW; ENVIRONMENTAL LAW; AGRARIAN LAW About directions of optimization of activity of bodies of state regulation of environmental management and environmental protection Kanina Yuliya S. 13. CORPORATE LAW; ENERGY LAW Aspects of state participating in bank rehabilitation procedures in Russia and the USA Kobenia Roman R. 14. CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY; CRIMINAL ENFORCEMENT LAW Information Technology Crimes: Cyberbullying and Cybermobbing Anna V. Serebrennikova «Slow motion bomb» or illegal weapon turnover as a deterministic crime factor Sorokun Nikolay S. Petrasheva Natalya V. Prosochkin Aleksandr M. The main reasons and conditions generating corruption offences in the educational environment Dgamalova Bika B. Akhmedkhanova Samira Telkhatovna Legislative regulation criminal principles of equality citizens before the law and the guilt (problems and way solution) Bazarov Paul R. Actual problems in the activities of specialized units of the internal affairs bodies on combating corruption crime Bondar Anton Gennadievich On new methods used by cybercriminals in the context of the coronavirus pandemic Burayeva Lyudmila A. Actual problems of performing criminal responsibility for violation of sanitary and epidemiological rules in the Russian Federation Akkaeva Halimat Alievna The monitoring of convicted persons with the obligation to undergo treatment for drug addiction, medical and social rehabilitation Pitkevich Lidiya Petrovna 15. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE The significance of the law enforcement intelligence operations results as evidence in criminal procedure Vytovtov Alexander Evgenievich 16. INTERNATIONAL LAW; EUROPEAN LAW Special legal regimes in the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union: legal problems and prospects Shaydullina Venera Kamilevna 17. JUDICIAL, PROSECUTORIAL, HUMAN RIGHTS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES Features of employment of citizens after leaving the service in the penal system Kochkina Oksana Vladimirovna Tabina Yuliya A. On the issue of interaction and cooperation of the Commonwealth of Independent States in combating terrorism related crimes: a theoretical aspect Kolaev Artyom M. 18. FORENSICS; FORENSIC EXPERTISE; OPERATIONAL AND SEARCH ACTIVITIES Methods for identifying and recognizing falsification of advenal documents from a digital form (image), criminalistic research and their analysis Allaberganov Akhmedzhan A. Improving the tactical support of video recording of investigative actions: research results Glushkov Maksim R. 19. INFORMATION LAW The problem of legal regulation of the use of the Smart Home system in the Russian Federation Shugunov Timur L. Zhukov Azamat Zaurbekovich 20. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW; ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS The essence and distinguishing features of administrative responsibility Ignatieva Irina V. Vlasova Elena L. Zedgenizova Irina I. 21. CIVIL PROCEDURE ARBITRATION Arbitration agreement as condition for dispute resolution in the form of arbitration Sorokin Vladislav P. 22. DIFFERENT Some thoughts on the ecology of language Sabanchieva Asiyat K. Karchaeva Svetlana H. Bezrokova Madina B.