The Concept and Classification of the Contract on the Integrated Development of the Territory
( Pp. 82-87)

More about authors
Nosov Dmitry V. Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Business Law; Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Process
All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation; Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte
Moscow, Russian Federation Shchelkova Yana V. Master's student, Master of Public and Municipal Administration
Perm State National Research University
Perm, Russian Federation
The purpose of the study. The article is devoted to the consideration of the construction of the contract on the integrated development of the territory provided for by the provisions of Chapter 10 of the Town-Planning Code of the Russian Federation. The mechanism of complex development of the territory is analyzed from the point of view of its continuity to the previously existing institution. The article analyzes the main provisions of the law that enshrine the agreement on the integrated development of the territory as one of the key mechanisms for the renovation of territories. Taking into account the specifics of the type of relationship under consideration, the authors propose to determine the legal nature of the agreement on the complex development of the territory and contractual legal relations resulting from the conclusion, modification and (or) termination of such an agreement.
How to Cite:
Nosov D.V., Shchelkova Y.V., (2022), THE CONCEPT AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE CONTRACT ON THE INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT OF THE TERRITORY. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 5 => 82-87.
Reference list:
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complex development of the territory, contract on complex development of the territory, legal nature of the contract, classification of contracts.

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