The countermeasures for illegal usage of insider information
( Pp. 250-252)

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Rastoropova Diana Sergeevna soiskatel. Dolzhnost: pomoschnik prokurora
University of Prosecutor's Office Russian Federation; Nagatinsky inter-district prosecutors’ office, Moscow city
The article views countermeasures for illegal usage of insider information. They can be divided into organizational-technical and technical. The usage of some tricks and ways of detection, suppression and prevention crimes can be the most effective in compliance with several principals. Such as: the principle of systematic character, objectivity, scientific validity, integrated approach.
How to Cite:
Rastoropova D.S., (2017), THE COUNTERMEASURES FOR ILLEGAL USAGE OF INSIDER INFORMATION. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 6 => 250-252.
Reference list:
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measures to prevent the unlawful use of insider information, organizational and technical countermeasures, technical measures to prevent the unlawful use of insider information, ensuring information security in organizations, work with staff as a way of identifying potential insiders.

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