( Pp. 95-99)
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Popov V.S.
Podrazdelenie: kafedra prava
Chelyabinsk State University
Chelyabinsk State University
The situation in the scientific research area where the problem is still relevant: «wondering in what context it is necessary to interpret the concept of integrity» for the activities of the national legislator is not appropriate. It is unacceptably for a wide variation in opinions as to the conception of «conscientious ness», we believe, it prevents to the introduction of its complementary to working national legislation. However, join all the assurance to need the operational use of the concepts as «honesty», «reasonableness» and «justice» etc. in the national law was a consequence of the fact that the legislation of Kazakhstan and Russia has all these concepts. So, this difficulty was overcome by the factor «legal will». In particular, the situation is determined to such circumstances in the legislative sphere. The concepts as «honesty», «reasonableness» and «justice» and etc. are not fixed independently from each other in Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan but their triad are present in the form of a stable population. It follows that in the civil law of Kazakhstan judgments and conclusions of any kinds are difficult to composite three-tier principle or three-level complex presumption. «Honesty» is set in the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation twice initially as a requirement for the participants of civil relations «to act in the exercise of their rights in good faith». However, once it was billed as the cancellation of the first to put forward the requirements for «honesty» of participants in civil relations are only «supposed to» as well as the reasonableness and fairness of their actions in fact.
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Obshchaya teoriya gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik /pod obshch. red. V.V. Lazareva - 2- e izd./ Tekst - M., YUrist, 1996. - s. 472.
Tatarnikov, A.V. Printsipy razumnosti i dobrosovestnosti v rossiyskom grazhdanskom prave. // Avtoref. diss. k. yu. n. Zaklyuchenie: p. 6. Tekst - M., 2010. Elektronnyy resurs .URL: http://www.dissercat.cat.com /content/printsipy-rasumnosti-i-dobrosovestnosti-v-grazhdanskom-prave-rossii/
Guseynov, A.A. Sootnoshenie svobody i otvetstvennosti. // Probely v rossiyskom zakonodatel stve. - 2012, № 2. - s. 40- 42.
SHevtsov, S.G. Volya pri osushchestvlenii usmotreniya v grazhdanskom prave. // Probely v rossiyskom zakonodatel stve. - 2012, № 2. - s. 56- 61.
Rumyantsev, F.A. O razumnosti deystviy organa yuridicheskogo litsa. // Probely v rossiyskom zakonodatel stve. - 2012, № 2. - s. 89- 91.
Panchenko, V.YU. Printsipy pravovogo regulirovaniya kak sredstvo obespecheniya besprobel nosti prava. // Probely v rossiyskom zakonodatel stve. - 2012, № 1. - s. 32- 37.
the impediment to seamless introduction into national law of "good faith", try to resolve problems in the legislation, the need to develop acceptable regulatory formulas.
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