( Pp. 334-338)
More about authors
Ter-Karapetov Roman Arturovich
Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov
Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov
Analysis of scientific papers (T. Ryze, B. Coyle, Sh. Richards, H. von Gruening, S. Brajovic-Branatovich, V. Galitzin, I. Bushueva, V. Vitlinsky, I. Voloshin, J. Nakonechniy, I. Voschilo, S. Savchuk, I. Balabanov, P. Barolo, V. Bocharov, G. Braley, J. Tuffler, J. Depaliane, E. Cohen, B. Colaase, V. Radaev etc.) upon this issue suggests that there is a lack of enough scientific consensus on the definition of credit risk management as the main precondition and the element of bank credit mechanism. Therefore the aim of the article is to clarify the scientific rationale and the main tasks of key components and kittools for the managing and the identifying of credit risk as the main precondition and the element of credit mechanism in unstable economic conditions. The study is based on the application of such scientific and special methods (synthesis and analysis, induction, abstract logical), and approaches (abstract logical and monographic) to the study. Source of scientific material became only the theoretical achievements of scientists in relation to credit risk management as the main element of the background and credit mechanism commercial bank. Consistent achievement of the scientific aim brings the ground for using the scientifically sound conclusions obtained for determining priorities for the bank credit mechanism organization and for designing new subject-object links in banking. The paper has updated and scientifically sound basic tasks, key components and tools of managing and of identifying the credit risks as the core element of background and credit mechanism in unstable economic conditions. Has been defined strategies for credit risk management in the context of bank credit facility. Has been concluded that the management of credit risk has a dominant trend in the banking management system and its activity is closely linked with the credit mechanisms. It requires an integrated approach to operation of bank credit mechanism. Also need to ensure a systemic interaction of all departments of the bank that spend, regulate and control the process of lending being based on total subordination of their joint action with the strategic objectives and tactical objectives of the bank.
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Malyshev A.A., Lygalov A.P. Osnovy sovremennogo menedzhmenta: Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie v 5 knigakh. // Kniga 2. Uzhgorod: PIK PATENT, 2007.190 s;
Meskon M Al bert M., KHedouri F. Osnovy menedzhmenta: Per. s angl. M.: Delo LTD, 1998. 800 s;
Nayt F. KH. Risk, neopredelennost i pribyl / F. KH. Nayt. M.: Delo, 2003. 360 s;
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Pustovalova T. A. Teoriya i praktika upravleniya kreditnym riskom kommercheskogo banka / T. A. Pustovalova// Vestnik SPbGU, 1998, Vyp. 4 (№26), Seriya 5. S. 127-131;
Ral f V. Matematika upravleniya kapitalom. Metody analiza ris-ka dlya treyderov i portfel nykh menedzherov: per. s angl. / V. Ral f. M.: Izd. Dom AL PINA , 2000. 401 s;
Reshetov A. S. Otsenka kreditnykh riskov banka na osnove vnutrennikh reytingov v sootvetstvii s trebovaniyami Bazel II: avtoref. dis. na soiskanie nauch. stepeni kand. ekon. nauk. / Aleksey Sergeevich Reshetov; Sankt-Peterb. gos. un-t ekonomiki i finansov. SPb., 2009. 25 s;
Risk-menedzhment innovatsiy: monografiya / T. A. Vasil eva, O. N. Didenko, A. A. Epifanov i dr. . Sumy: Delovye perspektivy, 2005. 260 s. ISBN 966-96545-0-5;
Svetlova S. Riski v bankovskoy praktike / S.Svetlova // Finansovyy menedzhment, 2007, №2. S. 47-53;
Serebryakova E. A. Upravlenie kreditnymi riskami kommercheskogo banka / E. A. Serebryakova// Vestnik SevKavGTU, 2003, Seriya Ekonomika , №3 (11). S. 110-114;
Struchenkova T. Sovremennye podkhody k regulirovaniyu bankovskikh rynochnykh riskov / T. Struchenkova// Bankovskoe delo, 2010, №6. S. 21-26;
Fatkhutdinov P.A. Strategicheskiy menedzhment: Ucheb. dlya vuzov, 3- izd. M.: ZAO Biznes-shkola Intel-Sintez , 1999. 416 s;
KHokhlov N. V. Upravlenie riskom: ucheb. posob. / N. V. KHokhlov. - M.: YUniti-Dana, 2001. 239 s. ISBN 5-238-00119-3;
Entsiklopediya finansovogo risk-menedzhmenta / pod red. A. A. Lobanova i A. V. CHugunova. Izd. 2-e., pererab. i dop. M.: Al pina, Biznes Buks, 2006. 878 c. ISBN 5-9614-0285-1;
Abboud. A.K. Money in the Bank: How safe is it Dow Jones Irwin, Inc., Home wood, IL, 1987. P. 13-35;
Tarullo D. Financial regulation in the wake of the crisis. Speech at the Peterson Institute for International Economics / D. Tarullo. Washington DC, 2009, 8 June. Way of access: http//
dynamic credit risk, identification of credit risks, credit mechanism, the structure of the mechanism, credit risk management, financial regulation.
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