Some problems of criminal liability for manipulation of financial markets
( Pp. 197-199)

More about authors
Khusnutdinov Rashid Marsovich
Izhevsk Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice
Izhevsk, Russian Federation
The article discusses the development of modern criminal legislation to prevent manipulation in the stock market. In modern conditions, the stability of the financial system, is the primary factor affecting the state of the economy, becoming one of the most important components of national security. In recent years, market manipulation as a criminal activity that undermines the foundations of the financial system, deservedly received increased attention from a number of scientists - representatives of the science of criminal law. Despite the very serious criminal sanctions applied to violators of the ban market manipulation, the number of violations nevertheless grows, so the study of this phenomenon from the perspective of science of criminal law should be aimed primarily at finding effective legal mechanisms to counter. In his study on the solution of this problem, the author successfully combines scientific methods, such as historical, dialectical, statistical, with methods peculiar to the criminal law: formal-legal, logical and sociological. The authors have carefully studied the norms of Russian criminal legislation governing responsibility for the commission of the crime, the practice of identifying the FFMS investigated cases of market manipulation, considered a number of methods used by criminals. According to the results of their research, the author concludes that the absence of criminal law sufficiently effective mechanism to combat market manipulation. According to the author, the reason that criminal responsibility for market manipulation is "on paper" and does not go into practice, is that the design objective side of this offense is material. The author emphasizes the urgent need to improve the current legal position in countering market manipulation and points to one of his possible destinations. The value represented by scientific research is seen in the fact that its results can form the basis of transformations, able to radically improve the efficiency of fighting crime in the financial markets, one of the social consequences of which will be to stabilize the economy as a whole. Useful articles due to the fact that it contains a kind of directed the legislator encouraged to pay more attention to the criminal legal regulation of the booming field of public relations related to the stock market.
How to Cite:
Khusnutdinov R.M., (2015), SOME PROBLEMS OF CRIMINAL LIABILITY FOR MANIPULATION OF FINANCIAL MARKETS. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 2 => 197-199.
Reference list:
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market manipulation, financial market, exchange trade, stock, criminal liability.

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