Personalization as an object of criminal defense
( Pp. 155-159)
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Guskov Ivan Yurievich
adyunkt. Mesto ucheby: Nizhegorodskaya akademiya MVD Rossii. Podrazdelenie: kafedra ugolovnogo i ugolovno-ispolnitelnogo prava
Nizhny Novgorod Academy of MIA Russia
Nizhny Novgorod Academy of MIA Russia
The urgency of the problem and the purpose of the study. The urgency of the problems posed in the title of the article, is determined by the fact that the doctrine of criminal law investigation of personalization, as an object of criminal law protection, has been neglected. There are research results, which take up the problems of counteraction of certain types of criminal attacks, which in some way damaging and personalization: criminal-law protection of the Unified State Register (A. Gorlov, A. Kharchenko, O. Yakovlev, A. Putilin, Z. Mirzaev), responsible for the forgery, manufacture or sale of forged documents (V. Postnikov, P. Letnikov, O. Kaleschina) and so on. However, despite the already accumulated scientific potential, there are no studies on the criminal-legal analysis of crimes that infringe on the personalization means, in this connection, the degree of scientific elaboration of the problem cannot be considered sufficient, making it necessary to conduct this study. The methodological basis for the study presented the basic provisions of the dialectical method of cognition; private and academic research methods (particularly sociological, systematic and formal-logical). The main results of the study. In domestic criminal law presented norms criminalizing attacks on personalization tools. Nevertheless, the current level of technical security and the pace of development of information technologies pose new challenges for the legislator to ensure their adequate criminal remedies. Personalization tools can act as a crime subject, the means or instruments of the crime. Scientific and practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the findings contained therein, may be used to: - Improving the law-making and law enforcement in combating crime affecting the personalization tools; - In research work in the further development of the provisions related to the study of the criminal legal framework to counter crimes encroaching on personalization and identification means. This article is intended for students, graduate students, Law professors of universities and law faculties, law enforcement officials, practicing lawyers, as well as for all those interested in issues relevant topics.
How to Cite:
Guskov I.Y., (2017), PERSONALIZATION AS AN OBJECT OF CRIMINAL DEFENSE. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 1 => 155-159.
Reference list:
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Ob utverzhdenii Pravil formirovaniya, vedeniya i ispol zovaniya bazovogo gosudarstvennogo informatsionnogo resursa registratsionnogo ucheta grazhdan Rossiyskoy Federatsii po mestu prebyvaniya i po mestu zhitel stva v predelakh Rossiyskoy Federatsii : Postanovlenie Pravitel stva RF ot 05 yanvarya 2015 goda № 4 elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: req doc base LAW n 173355 rnd 235642.2725721291 dst 100008 fld 134 0 (data obrashcheniya: 28.11.2016).
O vnesenii izmeneniy v Ugolovnyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii : federal nyy zakon ot 08 aprelya 2008 goda № 43-FZ elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: cgi req doc base LAW n 76055 rnd 235642.941114845 dst 100014 fld 134 0 (data obrashcheniya: 28.11.2016).
O vnesenii izmeneniy v Ugolovnyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii i otdel nye zakonodatel nye akty Rossiyskoy Federatsii : federal nyy zakon ot 07 dekabrya 2011 goda № 420-FZ elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: online.cgi req doc base LAW n 200920 rnd 228224.733132025 dst 100733 fld 134 0 (data obrashcheniya: 20.11.2016).
O vnesenii izmeneniy v otdel nye zakonodatel nye akty Rossiyskoy Federatsii : federal nyy zakon ot 21 dekabrya 2013 goda № 376-FZ elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: http://www.consultant. ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi req doc base LAW n 173561 rnd 235642.2127317880 dst 100051 fld 134 0 (data obrashcheniya: 28.11.2016).
O gosudarstvennoy registratsii yuridicheskikh lits i individual nykh predprinimateley : federal nyy zakon ot 08 avgusta 2001 goda № 129-FZ elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: http://www.consultant. ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi req doc;base LAW;n 201174 0 (data obrashcheniya: 20.11.2016)
O prave grazhdan Rossiyskoy Federatsii na svobodu peredvizheniya, vybor mesta prebyvaniya i zhitel stva v predelakh Rossiyskoy Federatsii : Zakon RF ot 25 iyunya 1993 goda № 5242-1 elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: cons/cgi/online.cgi req doc base LAW n 198909 rnd 235642.1450821359 dst 100077 fld 134 0 (data obrashcheniya: 28.11.2016).
Ugolovnyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 13 iyunya 1996 goda № 63-FZ : Prinyat Gosudarstvennoy Dumoy 24 maya 1996 goda : odobren Sovetom Federatsii 5 iyunya 1996 goda : po sostoyaniyu na 06.07.2016 g. elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: req doc;base LAW;n 201181 0 (data obrashcheniya 09.10.2016).
Ugolovno-protsessual nyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 18 dekabrya 2001 goda № 174-FZ : Prinyat Gosudarstvennoy Dumoy 22 noyabrya 2001 goda : odobren Sovetom Federatsii 5 dekabrya 2001 goda : po sostoyaniyu na 06 iyulya 2016 g. elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: online.cgi base LAW n 197926 dst 4294967295 req doc rnd 228224.2351721969 0 (data obrashcheniya 10.10.2016).
Il yashenko A. N. Ugolovno-pravovaya okhrana otnosheniy v sfere vedeniya edinykh gosudarstvennykh reestrov / A. N. Il yashenko, A. S. Gorlov. - Krasnodar: Krasnodarskiy universitet MVD Rossii, 2013. - 140 s.
Grazhdanskiy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii (chast pervaya) ot 30 noyabrya 1994 goda № 51-FZ : Prinyat Gosudarstvennoy Dumoy 21 oktyabrya 1994 goda : po sostoyaniyu na 03.07.2016 g. elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: cgi/online.cgi req doc;base LAW;n 200566 0 (data obrashcheniya: 29.11.2016).
Grazhdanskiy protsessual nyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 14 noyabrya 2002 goda № 138-FZ : Prinyat Gosudarstvennoy Dumoy 23 oktyabrya 2002 goda : odobren Sovetom Federatsii 30 oktyabrya 2002 goda : po sostoyaniyu na 03.07.2016 g. elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: cgi/online.cgi req doc base LAW n 200887 rnd 235642.654322086 from 200079-0 0 (data obrashcheniya: 28.11.2016).
Kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ob administrativnykh pravonarusheniyakh ot 30 dekabrya 2001 goda № 195-FZ : Prinyat Gosudarstvennoy Dumoy 20 dekabrya 2001 goda : odobren Sovetom Federatsii 26 dekabrya 2001 goda : po sostoyaniyu na 06.07.2016 g. elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: cons/cgi/online.cgi req doc;base LAW;n 203234 0 (data obrashcheniya 20.11.2016).
Ob operativno-rozysknoy deyatel nosti : federal nyy zakon ot 12 avgusta 1995 goda № 144-FZ elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: req doc;base LAW;n 201204 1 (data obrashcheniya: 20.11.2016)
Ob elektronnoy podpisi : federal nyy zakon ot 06 aprelya 2011 goda № 63-FZ elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: online.cgi req doc;base LAW;n 191956 0 (data obrashcheniya: 28.11.2016)
Ob utverzhdenii Polozheniya o pasporte grazhdanina Rossiyskoy Federatsii, obraztsa blanka i opisaniya pasporta grazhdanina Rossiyskoy Federatsii : Postanovlenie Pravitel stva RF ot 08 iyulya 1997 goda № 828 elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: req doc;base LAW;n 201722 0 (data obrashcheniya: 20.11.2016)
Ob utverzhdenii Pravil formirovaniya, vedeniya i ispol zovaniya bazovogo gosudarstvennogo informatsionnogo resursa registratsionnogo ucheta grazhdan Rossiyskoy Federatsii po mestu prebyvaniya i po mestu zhitel stva v predelakh Rossiyskoy Federatsii : Postanovlenie Pravitel stva RF ot 05 yanvarya 2015 goda № 4 elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: req doc base LAW n 173355 rnd 235642.2725721291 dst 100008 fld 134 0 (data obrashcheniya: 28.11.2016).
O vnesenii izmeneniy v Ugolovnyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii : federal nyy zakon ot 08 aprelya 2008 goda № 43-FZ elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: cgi req doc base LAW n 76055 rnd 235642.941114845 dst 100014 fld 134 0 (data obrashcheniya: 28.11.2016).
O vnesenii izmeneniy v Ugolovnyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii i otdel nye zakonodatel nye akty Rossiyskoy Federatsii : federal nyy zakon ot 07 dekabrya 2011 goda № 420-FZ elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: online.cgi req doc base LAW n 200920 rnd 228224.733132025 dst 100733 fld 134 0 (data obrashcheniya: 20.11.2016).
O vnesenii izmeneniy v otdel nye zakonodatel nye akty Rossiyskoy Federatsii : federal nyy zakon ot 21 dekabrya 2013 goda № 376-FZ elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: http://www.consultant. ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi req doc base LAW n 173561 rnd 235642.2127317880 dst 100051 fld 134 0 (data obrashcheniya: 28.11.2016).
O gosudarstvennoy registratsii yuridicheskikh lits i individual nykh predprinimateley : federal nyy zakon ot 08 avgusta 2001 goda № 129-FZ elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: http://www.consultant. ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi req doc;base LAW;n 201174 0 (data obrashcheniya: 20.11.2016)
O prave grazhdan Rossiyskoy Federatsii na svobodu peredvizheniya, vybor mesta prebyvaniya i zhitel stva v predelakh Rossiyskoy Federatsii : Zakon RF ot 25 iyunya 1993 goda № 5242-1 elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: cons/cgi/online.cgi req doc base LAW n 198909 rnd 235642.1450821359 dst 100077 fld 134 0 (data obrashcheniya: 28.11.2016).
Ugolovnyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 13 iyunya 1996 goda № 63-FZ : Prinyat Gosudarstvennoy Dumoy 24 maya 1996 goda : odobren Sovetom Federatsii 5 iyunya 1996 goda : po sostoyaniyu na 06.07.2016 g. elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: req doc;base LAW;n 201181 0 (data obrashcheniya 09.10.2016).
Ugolovno-protsessual nyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 18 dekabrya 2001 goda № 174-FZ : Prinyat Gosudarstvennoy Dumoy 22 noyabrya 2001 goda : odobren Sovetom Federatsii 5 dekabrya 2001 goda : po sostoyaniyu na 06 iyulya 2016 g. elektronnyy resurs - Rezhim dostupa - URL: online.cgi base LAW n 197926 dst 4294967295 req doc rnd 228224.2351721969 0 (data obrashcheniya 10.10.2016).
personalization, identification, means of identification and personalization, criminal law.
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