Modern trends in international tax law
( Pp. 278-280)

More about authors
Tokmacheva Nadezhda Viktorovna kand. ekon. nauk. Dolzhnost: docent. Mesto raboty: Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet pravosudiya. Filial: Rostovskiy filial. Podrazdelenie: kafedra gosudarstvenno-pravovyh disciplin
Russian state University of justice. Branch: Rostov branch
International tax law and its basic principles are currently aimed at solving several major problems. The first task - the observance of national interests. The second - to avoid double taxation. The third objective - the collection and sharing of information by tax administrations, which does not allow economic agents to evade the performance of their tax obligations through the use of low-tax jurisdictions and regulations for the avoidance of double taxation
How to Cite:
Tokmacheva N.V., (2015), MODERN TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL TAX LAW. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 1 => 278-280.
Reference list:
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