DEFINITION OF «nullity of DEAL» („Nichtigkeit des Rechtsgeschaefts“) IN GERMAN LAW
( Pp. 60-65)

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Smirnova Marina Vladimirovna LL.M. Dolzhnost: veduschiy yurist.
Liebherr-Russland, LLC
Background: The aim of the article is pointing out the main characteristics of the definition “nullity of deal” in German civil law and its differentiation from other terms used for denominating defectiveness of deal. Materials and methods: The author using corporative method, analysis and synthesis methods considers regulation of following questions: definition of nullity of deal, correspondence of nullity and invalidity, nullity and voidability, nullity and relative invalidity, nullity and unsteady invalidity. Results: As a result of research characteristics of nullity as legal institute in German law, common and different features in nullity and other definitions describing defectiveness of deal are considered, the author suggests to define nullity of deal not through its legal consequences but using grounds of invalidity. Research frames: As the next step of research for definition of nullity grounds of nullity of deal in German law of deal are to be considered. Originality/importance: The article is an in-depth study of definition of nullity of deal in German law through the lens of theory and court practice of Germany. The article is oriented to civilists interested in comparative law studies and German law.
How to Cite:
Smirnova M.V., (2016), DEFINITION OF «NULLITY OF DEAL» („NICHTIGKEIT DES RECHTSGESCHAEFTS“) IN GERMAN LAW. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 1 => 60-65.
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the insignificance of the transaction, the characteristic features of nullity, the types of invalidity, the concept, German law.

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