Gaps in Russian Legislation

Issue №1 2016
Issue №1 2016
ISSN: 2072-3164 (print)       ISSN 2310-7049 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-180 Prev Next
1. Constitutional law; Constitutional judicial process; Municipal law System of public administration by electoral process in the Russian Federation Ilya G. Chistoborodov Discrimination provisions in the federal legislation on religious associations Butko Andrey Viktorovich 2. Theory and history of law and state; History of law and State teachings LAWMAKING: A THEORY QUESTION Bulakov Oleg N. LEGALITY AS A CATEGORY OF THE GENERAL LAW THEORY Kozhevnikov Sergey N. WELFARING OF THE STATES IN THE ARGENTINA Aristov Evgeniy Vyacheslavovich 3. CIVIL LAW; ENTREPRENEURIAL LAW; FAMILY LAW; INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW; Civil procedure arbitration procedure Legal condition features of employers' association Ivanova Svetlana Georgievna DEVELOPMENT'S HISTORY OF INVESTMENT ACTIVITY AND INNOVATIONS CONCEPTS Kutepov Oleg Evgenyevich Neparko Marina Vyacheslavovna Legal qualification of the content of relations on organization of exchange trade Ivanova Ekaterina Viktorovna About some features of socialization of the corporate legislation of the USA Kitsay Yuliana Anatolievna Regulation of conflict of interest in the joint-stock company in Europe (for example, Germany, France, Great Britain) Andriushova Elena Alekseevna REVIEW OF KEY ASPECTS OF RUSSIAN FEDERAL LAW ON PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP Andersen Andrey Pavlovich DEFINITION OF «nullity of DEAL» („Nichtigkeit des Rechtsgeschaefts“) IN GERMAN LAW Smirnova Marina Vladimirovna 4. Criminal; Criminal enforcement law Comparative Law: Comparative Studies of Legislative Principles Alexander P. Kuznetsov Criminal responsibility of the legal liability: potential directions of international-legal lawmaking Sorochkin Roman A. Legal maintenance investigator interaction with service commission in accident Ivan P. Kravets Issues of Suspended Sentence Application in Russian Legislation Burkina O.A. Silivyonok Ya.A. The legal technique for constructing the criminal law provisions in the legislation of foreign countries Pronina Maria Petorvna ECONOMIC FUNDAMENTALS MECHANISM TO COMBAT THE SHADOW ECONOMY Zalina K. Kochesokova To a question of legal regulation of counteraction of corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan Imanov Ibrahim Alzhanovich Retrospective View of Laws on Penal Crimes Emelyanova Anastasiya Georgievna The object of the crime of forgery of documents Sokalskiy Boris Borisovich RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ORGANIZATION AND CONDUCT OF GAMBLING ON THE EXAMPLE OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES SUCH AS ESTONIA, DENMARK, BELGIUM Kormiltseva Svetlana Olegovna Responsibility for computer crimes in anglo-saxon legal system Pelevina Alla V. ON SOME ISSUES OF LIABILITY FOR ASSISTING IN TERRORIST ACTIVITIES ON THE TERRITORY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Perevalkin Valery Aleksandrovich IMPROVING INTERACTION IEGAI REGUIATION OF THE MINISTRY OF INTERIOR AND THE FEDERAL PENITENTIARY RUSSIA RUSSIAN FOR IMPLEMENTATION ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISION OVER PERSONS RELEASED FROM PRISON Polezhaev Sergey Mihailovich 5. Criminology Systems of impact on crime in china, japan and other countries of APR Inshakov Sergey Mikhailovich GENERAL APPROACHES TO WORK WITH DEVIANT TEENAGERS IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL PEDAGOGICS Mayurov Nikolay P. Lysenko Natalia Nikolaevna The personality of the criminal committing the crimes encroaching on freedom of conscience Kazantseva Natalia Valerievna ETHNIC AGGRESSION AS TOPICAL PHENOMENON OF MODERN SOCIETY Taymudarov Arsen Yusupovich 6. Criminal procedure PROBLEMS OF ENSURING SECRET OF DATA OF PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION AND DATA ON SECURITY MEASURES, PRITMENYAEMY CONCERNING PARTICIPANTS OF CRIMINAL LEGAL PROCEEDINGS Matvienko Ilya Vladimirovich Expansion of the bases of announcement of indications of the witness and other means of ensuring of safety in court session Zaitsev Eugene Olegovich ON THE CONCEPT OF A SPECIAL ORDER OF THE RUSSIAN CRIMINAL TRIAL Sayushkina Elena Vladimirovna 7. Forensics; Forensic expertise; Operational and search activities “The alleged complicity” as the circumstance excluding the criminality of officials carrying out operational investigative activities and persons assisting them Bilyk Vladimir Ivanovich Petrasheva Natalya V. 8. Judicial, prosecutorial, human rights and law enforcement activities Theoretical and legal aspects of the dispute under the law of the service on the services of the Interior Mayurov Nikolay P. Oroeva Oyuna Dorzhaevna Problems of legal regulation of activities of subjects of security of the Russian state Petrov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich INFORMATION SECURITY OF ADVOCATE’S ACTIVITY: THE MAIN NOTIONS Gusyatnikov Petr Petrovich Gusyatnikova Polina Petrovna The legal framework of attracting Cossack societies for the protection of public order Ilin Pavel Olegovich 9. International law; European Law Analysis of the legal problems of correlation of international and national legal rules in the system of integration community of the states Kurbanov Rashad Afatovich EUROPEAN VALUES & NATIONAL LAW: THE PROBLEM OF LEGAL ENFORCEMENT Ondreychik Mikhal 10. Financial law; Tax law; Budgetary law; Administrative law; Administrative process Social effect of personality public institutions of science education and the use of off-budget sources of financial support of their activities Belikov Evgeniy Gennadievich 11. OTHER APPOINTMENT OF notary EXPERTISE in order to ensure EVIDENCE - as a guarantee the constitutional right to qualified legal assistance Nasirov Vugar Voroshil oglu Competence-based approach to learning a foreign language in the field of training for the law enforcement system Natalia N. Bashlueva