About some features of socialization of the corporate legislation of the USA
( Pp. 46-49)

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Kitsay Yuliana Anatolievna kand. yurid. nauk. Dolzhnost: docent. Mesto raboty: Baltiyskiy Federalnyy universitet im. Immanuila Kanta. Podrazdelenie: kafedra grazhdanskogo prava i processa.
Baltic Federal University named after Immanuel Kant
In the present article features of socialization of the corporate legislation of the United States of America in comparison with the legislation of Canada and some European countries are investigated. The author pays attention to features of such organizational and legal forms of social business as the flexible purpose corporation; public benefit corporation; social purpose corporation. The conclusion is drawn that the most universal corporations are low-profitable ones with limited liability and social corporations. Features of uniform federal certification on compliance to requirements to conducting socially useful activity granting the right to use the status of «B corporation» (public benefit corporation) which value consists in opportunity to get access to investments reveal. Recommendations about improvement of the Russian corporate legislation become.
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Reference list:
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socialization of corporate law, organizational-legal forms of social entrepreneurship, Federal certification.

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