Classification and typology of female victims of crimes
( Pp. 57-59)

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Gusniev Kurban Arslanovich aspirant. Mesto ucheby: Dagestanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Podrazdelenie: kafedra ugolovnogo prava i kriminologii.
Dagestan State University Aisha A. Gadzhieva Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate professor, associate professor of the Crimila law and State law Disciplines Department, . Hirsh Index - 8
Dagestan State University of National Economy
Makhachkala, Dagestan, Russian Federation
The given article is devoted to the most difficult issues of victimological subjects such as the classification and typology of female victims. Taking into consideration the possible practical relevance and scientific value the authors analyze and classify the most common criteria and personality traits of women victims of crimes. The degree of victimization of victims is offered as a criterion for allocation of separate types (subtypes) of female victims. Objective: To analyze general issues of classification and typology as a method of scientific investigation, the study of the research available on this and related issues in the field of victimology studies, the development of the author's typology of victims of female victims of crimes. The study was carried out by using the following methods: analysis and synthesis of theoretical sources that are available on the subject, the statistical method of generalization and analysis of materials of criminal cases, sociological methods (questioning, victimization surveys) with the purpose of identifying the contingent of potential women victims. Application results. The results of the study can be used in the development of the fight mesuares against crime (general and specialized), in the preventive law enforcement activities, as well as other subjects of prevention programs, including the activities of non-governmental organizations involved in the sphere of victimization prevention. The present investigation is the issue of interest for the teachers of higher educational institutions and also can be used during lectures and seminars.
How to Cite:
Gusniev K.A., Aisha A.G., (2017), CLASSIFICATION AND TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE VICTIMS OF CRIMES. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 1 => 57-59.
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the victimization of women, classification of the victims, types of victims-women, the victimization of women.

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