Actual problems of criminal penalties in judicial practice
( Pp. 144-152)

More about authors
Shamina Elena Alexandrovna soiskatel. Podrazdelenie: yuridicheskiy fakultet, kafedra ugolovnogo prava i kriminologii
MSU named after M. V. Lomonosov
This article discusses current issues of applying a criminal penalty in the form of a fine. The author has illustrated the gaps of the current criminal law based on the consideration of judicial practice in specific criminal cases. A detailed study of a number of sentences on various types of crimes, as well as the procedure for sentencing a criminal fine in the courts of Moscow, is given. Purpose of the article: This work aims to study the violation of the most important principles and goals of the current criminal law, such as: restoring social justice, correcting the convict and preventing him from committing new crimes. Methodology and methods: the article uses analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, the comparative legal method, as well as the method of interpretation of legal norms, which allow for an extended analysis of the criminal legal norm and determine the optimal development vector. Conclusions: the problem of the presence of imperfections in the current legislation is relevant for study, as indicated by judicial practice in specific criminal cases. The punishment in the form of a fine is not always commensurate with the gravity of the act and corresponds to such purposes of applying the criminal law as correction and prevention of repeated crimes. The use of a fine in the form of a penalty is used by judges when it is difficult to apply other types of punishment provided for in Article 44 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Scope of the results: the research materials analyzed in this article may be of interest in the scientific and educational field as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions: bachelors, undergraduates, graduate students exploring this area of criminal law. Also, this material may be of interest to teachers of law schools, can be used as a tool for the preparation of practical and seminar classes.
How to Cite:
Shamina E.A., (2019), ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF CRIMINAL PENALTIES IN JUDICIAL PRACTICE. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 6 => 144-152.
Reference list:
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Criminal Code, criminal liability, crime, criminal punishment, types of punishment, fine, improvement of norms, problems of law enforcement.

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