Criminological monitoring the relationship of corruption with modern extremism and terrorism
( Pp. 23-25)

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Pavlinov Andrey Vladimirovich d-r yurid. nauk, docent. Dolzhnost: professor. Mesto raboty: Akademiya Generalnoy prokuratury Rossiyskoy Federacii. Podrazdelenie: kafedra ugolovno-pravovyh disciplin
Academy of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation
The work reveals the essential similarities and differences in the social nature of corruption and extremism, interconnection, interdependence, determination of one phenomenon by another. Attention is drawn to the bi-directional, multifactorial, and directly opposite to the indirect nature of the relationship between corruption and extremism and one of its extreme manifestation - terrorism. Both negative social phenomena considered as phenomena of broader scale and order, rather than just the symptoms of crime. Reaching certain critical values, producing and reinforcing each other, they threaten national security. Currently the maximum indicators of corruption and extremism (including terrorism) is clearly not clear; no accurate ideas about what can and should be a reliable safeguard against catastrophic scenario. In this connection the author dwells on the most optimal measures to maintain the security of the state from the analyzed threats.
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