The Modern Criminal Policy of Russia: Experience and Lessons of Continuous Reform
( Pp. 16-22)

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Maksimov Sergey Vasilievich
Institute for the Study of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia
The need to write this article due to the needs of scientific understanding of the preliminary results of twenty years of almost continuous reform of the anti-criminal legislation of Russia, relates to the actual criminal legislation (law on special measures for prevention of crimes). The article gives characteristics of the main weaknesses of the current model of criminal policy. The number of such faults include a critically high level of instability in anticrime legislation and its practical application, the opposite vector character development observation began, the exaggeration of the importance of anticrime legislation as a tool in the fight against crime, making criminal policy functions of regulation of economic relations, there is insufficient scientific (including criminological) the validity of this policy, a high level of dependence on private interests. The study proposals: to establish the State Commission on development of the Concept of criminal policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030; to adopt this Concept and Plan (“Road Map”) for its implementation in the form of the Decree of the President of Russia; to develop in accordance with the Concept and Road Map a new criminological (preventive), criminal, criminal procedure, criminal executive and investigative legislation, legislation on law enforcement. The main expected consequence of the publication is to optimize the basic approaches of the legislator to the practice of formation and implementation of national criminal policy. The article is addressed primarily to the legislator, the law enforcer in the field of criminal justice, researchers, teachers, postgraduates and students of law schools.
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