Is there a need for a dog service in the criminal-executive system?
( Pp. 166-168)

More about authors
Bykov Anton Ivanovich Dolzhnost: nauchnyy sotrudnik. Podrazdelenie: otdel razrabotki metodologiy ispolneniya nakazaniy, svyazannyh s lisheniem svobody, i izucheniya penitenciarnoy prestupnosti centra issledovaniya problem obespecheniya bezopasnosti v uchrezhdeniyah ugolovno-ispolnitelnoy sistemy.
Research Institute of FPS Russia
This article structured the main indicators characterizing the state of the service activity of the dog service of the criminal performance system. The author analyzed the changes in indicators and their impact on the nature of the service of the dog service. As a result of the analysis, the author identified a number of problematic issues that require immediate attention from the penal system, in addition to this proposed ways to solve the problems.
How to Cite:
Bykov A.I., (2019), IS THERE A NEED FOR A DOG SERVICE IN THE CRIMINAL-EXECUTIVE SYSTEM?. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 2 => 166-168.
Reference list:
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