Financial and legal aspects of ensuring the protection of the political, economic, financial sovereignty of the state in the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which entered into force on July 4, 2020
( Pp. 74-81)
More about authors
Galina V. Petrova
Dr. Sci. (Law), Professor, Professor of the Department of Transport Law of the Law Institute, Professor of the Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law, е-mail
Russian University of Transport; Moscow University named after A.S. Griboyedov
Moscow, Russian Federation; Moscow, Russian Federation Valeriy I. Stupakov Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor; Head of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law
Moscow University named after A.S. Griboyedov
Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian University of Transport; Moscow University named after A.S. Griboyedov
Moscow, Russian Federation; Moscow, Russian Federation Valeriy I. Stupakov Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor; Head of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law
Moscow University named after A.S. Griboyedov
Moscow, Russian Federation
Introduction. The article examines in a broad context the scientific understanding of the content of "state sovereignty". It is shown that the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 04.07. solve a set of tasks to ensure the protection of the political, economic, financial sovereignty of the state, strengthen the constitutional and legal institutions of state regulation of defense, socio-economic development, financing of social development and entrepreneurship projects, cultural and educational, scientific and technical, innovative and other socially significant activities state. Materials and methods. The article analyzes the articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, amended on 07/04/2020, and legislative acts on the procedure for their discussion and entry into force. Based on the theoretical works of Russian scientists, the authors consider the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation as measures to protect the political, economic, and financial sovereignty of the Russian state, constituting a single constitutional and legal institution of "state sovereignty". The greatest attention is paid to the financial and legal aspects of protecting sovereignty from various threats, where the defense-strategic budget, international legal protection of the financial interests of the Russian Federation, socio-economic and project-budget financing are of particular importance. Results. An analysis of the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation shows that the state protects its sovereignty by implementing a set of state security measures, including defense, financial, information, environmental, cultural and educational security, which are based on the supremacy of federal laws on strategic development with budgetary financing of the state without the intervention of external forces. New constitutional and legal norms have strengthened the factors of ensuring security, socializing the role of the state, financializing the economy, greening, digitalizing law to protect the sovereignty of the Russian Federation. Discussion and conclusions. Being essentially a state-legal or constitutional-legal category, the concept of "ensuring the protection of sovereignty" includes a variety of areas of external and internal activities of the state, requiring political, defense-strategic, economic, financial measures to ensure their security and receiving them from the state.
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Reference list:
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amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 04.07.2020, constitutional and legal foundations of budgetary financing of social development, guarantees of apolitical, economic, financial sovereignty of the state, financial and legal measures to protect sovereignty.