On the forms and methods of state policy on changing the concept of legal regulation of the economic basis (entrepreneurship)
( Pp. 67-71)

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Abramov Sergey G. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent Departamenta pravovogo regulirovaniya ekonomicheskoy deyatelnosti
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Abramova Liliya Ivanovna d-r med. nauk. Dolzhnost: veduschiy nauchnyy sotrudnik. Podrazdelenie: otdel po izucheniyu endogennyh psihicheskih rasstroystv i affektivnyh sostoyaniy.
«Mental Health» Research Centre
The article discusses issues related to the practical development of the policy of the impact of public authorities and government on social processes in the social and economic sphere. The subject of the research is the axiological values of economically active groups of the population as well as the forms and methods of state legal policy that allow the use of such mononorms in the regulation of social and economic relations. This direction was investigated by M. Weber, B. Tamanaha, M. Vargas, E. Zamir, D. Teichman. The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical concepts, approaches and proposals for the incorporation of axiological values into existing positive legislation. In the study of social relations the following methods were used: formal legal method, methods of interpretation of law (functional, logical), legal modeling, legal forecast. Conclusions and results. The consequence of using this approach will be to increase the efficiency of the activities of legal entities and law enforcement in the sphere of economic activity of economic entities ensuring the legitimacy of the legal and economic policies of public authority. The hypothesis of the study - it is assumed that the axiological values of different groups of the population can act as a mononorm on the basis of which the ontological component of the norm and legislation can be constructed. In this case the prevailing social values will be a form of sociological, anthropological positivism which will lead to a decrease in the number of offenses in business activities, improvement of legal regulation of socio-economic activities. An interdisciplinary study was conducted in the framework of the theory of law and finance as well as social psychology. The results show the need to use the axiological values of groups (youth, economically active population) in the implementation of state legal policy in the field of education and entrepreneurship. The use of such a form of state influence will make it possible to create social entities that will carry out economic acts (pursue economic policies, develop regulatory and local acts) and social activities. The applied aspect of such work will be used in the field of corporate, competitive, business law in the exercise of economic activity by the subjects. Further research may be related to the analysis of legislation and local acts in the field of regulation of merger transactions, as well as corporate and competition law. The results obtained can be used in the lawmaking process in reforming private law and business law as well as in the implementation of state legal policy in the field of business activity. Application of the formulated proposals will allow legitimize the actions of public authority in the sphere of politics and economics. The work is intended for specialists in private and public law as well as specialists who carry out legislative activities in the field of legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity.
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