Some problems of checking reports of crimes in the sphere of economic activity
( Pp. 249-253)
More about authors
Kanatov Eugene S.
starshiy sledovatel
SCH GSU GU MVD of Russia in Moscow
SCH GSU GU MVD of Russia in Moscow
Objective: the audit of reports of crimes in the field of economic activity is accompanied by the presence of relevant problems that may affect the adoption of legitimate and informed decisions on the results of such an audit. The most important of all the existing problems in this area is the imperfection of the norms of the current criminal procedure legislation. At the same time, legal scholars from foreign countries, for example, S. V. Gureev, S. V. Buiko, pay attention to a similar problem. The purpose of the scientific article is to study the problems of verification of reports of crimes in the field of economic activity and the development of proposals for their solution. Methodology: the Methodological basis of the study is the dialectical method of cognition, in which private-scientific methods were used: system-structural, formally logical, logical-semantic, comparative law. Conclusions: according to the results of the research the following conclusions were formulated: 1. The evaluation of materials obtained during the preliminary examination of reports of crimes in the sphere of economic activity is an important and responsible stage. The result of the entire criminal proceedings depends on the objectivity and completeness of such a check, so initially it is necessary to properly examine the data contained in the primary materials of the check. The validity of the data must be supported by appropriate explanations, documents or otherwise. 2. Appointment and carrying out of judicial and economic examination when checking messages on crimes in the sphere of economic activity are not regulated in the legislative order in this connection, the question of production of examination before the beginning of a stage of initiation of criminal proceedings remains problematic and demands the permission, first of all by legislative means. Possibility of subsequent use: the results Obtained in the course of the study can be used to improve the criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation, law enforcement practice of investigation and inquiry, research, as well as in educational institutions in the preparation of students in legal areas. The practical significance of the results obtained in the course of the study is that they can be used in the law enforcement activities of the investigation and inquiry. The social significance of the results obtained is revealed through the optimization of the legislative regulation of criminal procedural relations and the increase of the legal protection of the rights of victims during the pre-investigation examination of reports of crimes in the field of economic activity. The value of the results obtained is due to the presence in it of the formulation of the problem, which is essential for the improvement of pre-trial proceedings in the area under consideration. In the course of the study, new knowledge about the elements of the system of legal support for pre-investigation inspection of criminal proceedings, and the conclusions can be useful for the formation of law enforcement practice of investigation and inquiry, excluding violation of the rights of victims. This scientific work is intended for researchers and practitioners, students of educational institutions studying in the direction of "Jurisprudence".
How to Cite:
Kanatov E.S., (2018), SOME PROBLEMS OF CHECKING REPORTS OF CRIMES IN THE SPHERE OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 6 => 249-253.
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