Object of a crime against military service and the rules for its determination
( Pp. 371-377)

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Ermatov Gayratjon Okmirzaevich kand. yurid. nauk, docent kafedry Ugolovnogo prava i kriminologii
Tashkent state university of law Akhmedov Adkhamjon Burgutovich polkovnik v otstavke, starshiy prepodavatel kafedry Gumanitarnyh disciplin, docent, samostoyatelnyy soiskatel
cademy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The article examines the problem of determining the object of a crime against the order of military service. An attempt is made to reveal the meaning, place, and role of the object of criminal law protection in determining the object of the crime. Based on the results of the analysis of the current legislation and the opinions of famous scientists, the statement is substantiated that the general object of crimes against military service is the military security of the state. The results of the study substantiate the fictitiousness of the object of criminal-legal protection of some norms of the current military-criminal legislation, which excludes the presence of the object of a crime. The ongoing changes in the legal framework for ensuring the military security of the state are making adjustments to the number and content of objects of criminal law protection of military relations, which necessitate the establishment of modern criteria for determining the objects of crimes against military service and assessing other elements of their composition.
How to Cite:
Ermatov G.O., Akhmedov A.B., (2020), OBJECT OF A CRIME AGAINST MILITARY SERVICE AND THE RULES FOR ITS DETERMINATION. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 5 => 371-377.
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an object of a crime, qualification of a crime, an object of criminal law protection, military security of the state.

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