( Pp. 258-260)

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Urusova Laura Khabalovna Cand.Sci.(Pedagogics), Senior Lecturer of the State, Civil and Law disciplines Department
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Nalchik, Russia
The analysis of gender studies in recent years demonstrates the absence of a unified theory of the development of sexual differentiation of the individual. Gender socialization, being a part of the general adaptation of the individual, as an interdisciplinary definition, needs an integrated approach. Social integration and self-realization of the individual are the processes of the individual's formation and assimilation of generally accepted norms, gender stereotypes, behavioral and moral values inherent in masculine or feminine representatives. However, differentiated socialization can act as a neutral education. Public institutions create gender normative standards and express gender institutional logic. Gender behavior is less dependent on personal characteristics, but more dependent on expected social norms. Gender is not a product of identity, formed for self-expression; rather, it is the result of interaction with the surrounding world and the normative canon expected by society.
How to Cite:
Urusova L.K., (2017), GENDER AS AN INSTITUTION OF SOCIALIZATION. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 4 => 258-260.
Reference list:
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